Your participation in our surveys

Welcome to the ROCCO Research Survey on CPaaS Messaging Vendor Benchmarking - Enterprise Edition

In this survey, we seek the opinions from Enterprises on CPaaS providers and the solutions they offer for reaching their customers. An Enterprise is any organisation (e.g. Airlines, Retail, Banks, Public organisations, Authorities etc) that is not a Mobile Operator that uses a CPaaS solution to communicate to their customers.

Please note that mandatory questions are marked with an asterisk. Respondents shall receive a free Executive Summary Report of the findings of ROCCO across the aggregated opinions of all Enterprises who take part. 

Thank you for participating.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with your contact information so that ROCCO may send you the Executive Summary Report when the research has been concluded. This survey is fully confidential. ROCCO is a GDPR compliant company and will never expose any personal details about you or your company.

Question Title

* 2. Please choose the sector your company operates in: