Welcome to the quiz on anxiety literacy

Below are some statements about anxiety disorders. Please read each statement carefully and answer each question to the best of your knowledge. If you do not know how to respond to a statement, please show us that you don’t know by selecting the "I don't know" button.

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* 1. People with anxiety disorder often speak in a rambling and disjointed way.

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* 2. Being easily fatigued may be a symptom of anxiety disorder.

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* 3. Reckless and foolhardy behaviour is a common sign of anxiety disorder.

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* 4. Irritability may be a symptom of anxiety disorder.

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* 5. Bearing grudges and refusing to forgive others may be a sign of anxiety disorder.

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* 6. People with anxiety disorder often hear voices that are not there.

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* 7. Too much worry is the main symptom of anxiety disorder.

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* 8. Tense muscles may be a symptom of anxiety disorder.

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* 9. Anxiety disorder does not affect your concentration.

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* 10. Having several distinct personalities may be a sign of anxiety disorder.

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* 11. A dry mouth can be a symptom of anxiety disorder.

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* 12. The best way of dealing with anxiety disorder is to handle it yourself.

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* 13. Generalised anxiety disorder is a common cause of workplace disability.

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* 14. Generalised anxiety disorder does not run in families.

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* 15. Being bullied or victimized increases your risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

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* 16. Antidepressants are effective treatment for anxiety disorder.

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* 17. Many treatments for anxiety disorder are more effective than antidepressants.

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* 18. Acupuncture is just as effective as cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorder.

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* 19. Reading self help books about cognitive behavioural therapy is not effective for anxiety disorder.

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* 20. It’s not a problem to stop taking antidepressants quickly.

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* 21. Antidepressants are addictive.

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* 22. Antidepressant medications usually work straight away.

Gulliver, A., Griffiths, K.M., Christensen, H., Mackinnon, A., Calear, A.L., Parsons, A., Bennet, K., Batterham, P.J., Stanimirovic, R. (2012) Internet-Based Interventions to Promote Mental Health Help-Seeking in Elite Athletes: An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14: 69. doi: 10.2196/jmir.1864
100% of survey complete.