Report on showcasing of a new imaging technology Imaging facilities inside or outside of Euro-BioImaging are invited to report on successsful/completed showcasing of a new technology. Please consider the following explanations regarding how to conduct a showcase. The reporting supports the decision-making by Euro-BioImaging to include the respective technology for proof-of-concept open access at a Euro-BioImaging Node, for final inclusion into the Euro-BioImaging portfolio. FacilityA showcase can be conducted by any technology developer/provider or imaging facility at a public research institution/university in Europe, which is offering the new technology and hosts external users to apply this technology in their research.UserUsers have to be external to the provider’s lab or facility in order to qualify. User projects can be of different duration, but have to be successfully concluded. A mere test of the technology is not sufficient. Access provision can also have happened before the facility announces their participation in the Euro-BioImaging showcasing, to qualify for demonstration of feasibility and user need.New technologyAn imaging technology is regarded as “new” when it is not currently included in the portfolio of imaging technologies offered for Euro-BioImaging user access. The current list of technologies can be found here. Reporting and EvaluationPlease fill in this form to report user need, relevance and operational access model to the Euro-BioImaging Hub. Once the Hub has evaluated your report, you will be informed. Technologies that pass the evaluation successfully can be included in the next round of proof-of-concept studies of Euro-BioImaging. Question Title * Facility or laboratory name Question Title * Location (Address, city and country) Question Title * Contact person at facility (name and email) Question Title * Which technology is offered in this showcase? Question Title * Description of the offered technology, with relevant technical details, fields of application and year of market introduction if applicable (max. 2500 characters) Question Title * Description of the access protocol to the offered technology (i.e. how is the typical access of a user project conducted? what image data formats are used/supported by this technology? … ) (max. 3500 characters) Question Title * List of user projects having used the technology being showcased (user name, user affiliation, short description of user project including length of user project, list of potential publications) Question Title * Please name available resources your facility/laboratory offers to users in addition to the offered technology. Technical assistance to run instruments Methodological setup (e.g. design of study protocol and standard operation procedures) Training in infrastructure use Probe preparation Animal preparation Animal facilities Wet lab space Server space Data processing and analysis Training workstations Training seminar rooms Housing facilities Biological material storage and processing Other (please specify) Question Title * List of relevant research publications associated with the technology being showcased Question Title * Number of expected expressions of interest from users (on the same page of the Euro-BioImaging Web Portal where this form is, there is another form for potential users who wish to access a new technology in the future, to report their interest. You are encouraged to ask potential users to fill in that form for the technology you have showcased, and estimate the number of responses here. If you have already received expression of interest letters from potential users in another way, please contact Question Title * Optional: Please describe any other evidence that proves user need for the technology Done