Informed Consent

This informed consent form is for human resource hiring staff from the Philippines whom I invite in a research study about hiring-related social situations.

Principal Investigator: Darren Dumaop, Ph.D.
Organization: De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines

This Informed Consent Form has two parts:
• Information Page (to share information about the study with you)
• Certificate of Consent (for your agreement to voluntarily participate)
Part I: Information Page

Greetings! I am Darren Dumaop, a researcher from De La Salle University (DLSU), Manila, Philippines. I would like to invite you to participate in this study that examines social situation related to hiring. The DLSU Research Grant and Management Office funds this study.

Purpose of the research
I would like to examine the effect of different social situations on hiring decisions among human resource hiring staff in the Philippines.

Type of Research Intervention
You will participate in an online experiment, which involves the evaluation of CVs of hypothetical job candidates. You will also complete questionnaires to collect demographic information and measure social attributes. The study will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Participant Selection
I invite you to participate because of your current or previous role and experience in recruitment and selection. Participants in this study must be between the ages of 18 and 35. They must work in the Philippines and identify as belonging to this national identity. They must have at least one year of human resources experience and be assigned to hiring and recruitment within the past 12 months.

Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this research is completely voluntary. You can withdraw without consequences or conditions. This study will not put you in any potentially harmful situation, especially in your current job. I will not collect information about your employer.

You will respond to a questionnaire about your demographic information (e.g., age, sex, education, geographic information, experience in human resources).
You will be given a hiring task where you will read a job description of a position randomly assigned.
Afterward, you will evaluate the CVs of job candidates applying for the position.
After the CV evaluation, you will respond to questionnaires collecting information about social attitudes. After this, you will proceed to the debriefing page, where the hypotheses tested will be revealed. You will be given your final opportunity to withdraw from the study.

The study will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Participation in this study will not put you in any potentially harmful situation other than possible surprise or minimal discomfort upon learning the study's hypotheses. This study will not negatively impact your career or life in general.

There will be no direct benefits to you. However, your participation will greatly help us understand how social situations may affect hiring. I prepared more information about these situations that you may download after studying.

You will not be provided any payment for participating in this study. However, you may reimburse 200PHP for your mobile data usage. Information about reimbursement will be provided after your participation.

The research will only collect necessary data (e.g., WILL NOT COLLECT your name, employer’s name, etc.). All collected data will be protected and de-identified (i.e., I will delete all information that can be traced back to you). Data will be stored in De La Salle University’s Google Drive. Following open science practices, the de-identified data may be made available to members of the public upon request. They will be stored for five years after the first publication of the study results. Data will be deleted after this period.
Sharing the Results
I will share the study results through academic publications and public forums. If you want a personal copy of the first published version of this study, I will allow you to share your email address. This will be done in a separate platform and will not be connected in any way to your data.

Right to Refuse or Withdraw
Your participation is voluntary, and you do not need to participate if you do not wish to. You can withdraw at any time by not completing the study. Incomplete participation will be invalid after seven days of inactivity and deleted from the data set.

Who to Contact
Should you have any questions, you may contact the following:

Principal Investigator: Dr. Darren Dumaop

This study has been reviewed and approved by the De La Salle University Ethics Review Committee (DLSU-ERC), whose task is to ensure that research participants are protected fromharm. If you wish to find out more about the DLSU-ERC or inquire about this study, please note the following information:

DLSU-RERC approval no.: 2023-082

You can download a copy of this information page for your reference. You can also download other materials related to this study after completing answering the questionnaires.