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To better serve the needs of physiotherapists, the public and other stakeholders in Ontario, the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario is requesting your feedback on the College’s Practice Advice service, outreach activities and resources by December 15, 2021.

Please tell us what you need from us and how we can better serve you. This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. If you wish, y
ou may be entered into a draw to win one of two $50 gift cards by completing the survey.

As a reminder, the Practice Advice service provides people with information on:
  • How to apply the College Standards and rules in practice
  • How to deal with challenging practice scenarios
  • How to find a physiotherapist
  • How to find resources and supports related to their questions
Practice Advisors are registered physiotherapists and the Practice Advice service does not provide legal advice.

If you have any questions or comments about the survey or how the results will be used, please contact Fiona Campbell at or 1-800-583-5885 ext. 243.

Visit the College website for resources and more information:

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