Question Title

* Please rate the importance of the following legislative issues.

  Not important Slightly important Moderately important Quite important Very important Not familiar with this issue
Ensuring/increasing the availability of H-2B visas to support golf’s seasonal workforce
Passing Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation that increases availability of labor for golf facilities
Removing unnecessary Clean Water Act NPDES permitting for pesticide applications
Ensuring golf is not discriminated against regarding disaster tax relief (i.e. natural disasters)

Question Title

* Please rate the importance of the following legislative issues.

  Not important Slightly important Moderately important Quite important Very important Not familiar with this issue
Securing state pesticide and fertilizer preemption
Opposing local, state and federal pesticide and fertilizer bans
Supporting and aiding in the development of science-based pollinator protection plans at the state level
Opposing local noise ordinances targeting equipment used on golf courses
Identifying federal dollars/grants for water infrastructure improvements