Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey, which should take no longer than 5 minutes. This survey is being carried out on behalf of Hitesh Chowdhry, an Electronic Evidence Consultant at Kroll Ontrack. Hitesh is currently studying an MBA at Cass Business School, and is writing a dissertation which will explore what the barriers are for effective adoption of ‘predictive coding’ technology by lawyers in the UK. Predictive coding is a type of machine-learning technology which enables a computer to predict how documents should be categorised based on how an expert lawyer in a particular case has trained it to do so. It seeks to increase both the speed and accuracy of a document review exercise, whilst also reducing costs.
The people invited to participate in this survey are professionals who may benefit from the use of ‘ediscovery’ services in their area of work. All individual responses are confidential. Results from all respondents will be collated. Collated results will be analysed and, if published, will make no reference to either the names of the people who participated in the survey or the organisations that they work for.
Many thanks for your cooperation.