Think you are ready for private practice? Question Title * 1. Do you need a new Medicare provider number when starting private practice? Yes No Question Title * 2. What does success in private practice mean to you? (Select the most appropriate one) a) Be the CEO of a growing and valuable business that generates value. b) Using your entrepreneurial skills by running a practice management service for other doctors. c) Creating a practice designed around patient needs, with specialised services your patient population requires. d) Having practice that increases your quality of life, that is well managed and increases your chances of achieving your ‘best life’ goals. Other (please describe) Question Title * 3. Can you promote your services by emailing all your old patients? Yes No Question Title * 4. What regulatory instruments apply to your practice’s website or social media? (Select one) Privacy laws TGA guidelines Ahpra’s advertising guidelines Medical Board of Australia’s Code of Conduct All of the above Question Title * 5. What will a full-time administration person cost per year? (Select one) $30-49k $50-69k $70-89k $90k+ Submit your answers to see our responses (and your score). Submit