This optional survey allows us to evaluate your response to this program and make improvements as necessary. Although we do not link your responses to this survey to your name or email address, your responses may include Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) including health
information. We use this information consistent with our Privacy Policy. By answering the questions, you agree to such collection and use of your SPI.

Thank you for attending PAH Tracking: An Important Part of Your PAH Management. We hope you found it interesting and educational. Please take a few minutes to provide feedback on your experience.

Question Title

* Check the box that applies:

Question Title

* Overall, how would you rate your experience at this program?

Question Title

* What did you like most about the program?

Question Title

* What, if anything, would you change about the program?

Please respond to the following statements:

Question Title

* After attending this program, I better understand:

  Yes No
PAH status and the tests and evaluations used to assess status that were reviewed in this presentation
The importance of PAH tracking and discussing it with my doctor
Tools I can use to monitor my PAH
Steps I can take to be my own best advocate

Question Title

* After attending this program, I plan to:

  Yes No
Talk to my doctor about my PAH status and disease progression
Start tracking the tests and evaluations reviewed in the presentation
Talk to my doctor about additional educational resources available to me
I am interested in attending another educational program about PAH
Please click the Submit button below to complete the evaluation. Thank you!
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