Please answer the following questions

Question Title

* Please provide your contact information:

Question Title

* Why do you want to be involved in the CareGuard Movement?  Please be specific.  Limit your response to 1000 characters.

Question Title

* What previous healthcare experiences changed your understanding of patient safety? Limit your response to 1000 characters

Question Title

* Are you interested in participating in a CareGuard leadership position?

Not interested Interested
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* How will you effectively manage your new membership position with your school course load and other activities your may be involved in?

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* How many hours are you willing to commit to your new position per week?

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* Why are you interested in participating in an internship program with CareGuard?

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* Please let us know which internship opportunity fits your schedule.

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* Is there anything else you would like to tell us that makes you a great addition to our internship program?

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* Please upload your resume or CV

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