Thank you for your interest in becoming a Spiritual Care Volunteer with Wesley Mission Queensland.
  • 'Spirituality is an essential dimension that brings meaning to life; it is deeply associated with relationship, transcendence and hope. Increased awareness of spirituality is often seen in later life, especially through transitions, issues of health, end of life, and the need for forgiveness and reconciliation.' ~ Elizabeth MacKinlay, 2014
  • 'Spiritual care occurs in a compassionate relationship. It responds to our search for meaning, self-worth, and our need to express ourselves to a sensitive listener. It may include faith support, rites, rituals, prayer or sacrament.' ~
These two definitions define the context and purpose of spiritual care as offered in Residential Aged Care within Wesley Mission Queensland. Spiritual Care requires openness, sensitivity, and the practice of listening. It may also involve offering care that supports reflection and the practice of religious beliefs, but this is not limited to religious reflection or any one faith group.

Becoming a Spiritual Care Volunteer with Wesley Mission Queensland involves listening to the ageing members of our community and supporting their experiences of meaning, purpose and connectedness to self, others, our world and the sacred. It may also involve supporting their engagement in church/faith group activities.

Spiritual Care Volunteers work with and are directed and supported by the Pastoral and Spiritual Care Team within Wesley Mission Queensland. This ecumenical team is committed to a holistic understanding of spirituality as being at the core of who we are, where the physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual aspects of self are connected.

Wesley Mission Queensland was founded by Albert Street Methodist Church in 1907 and operates as a mission of the Uniting Church, but the spiritual care offered is not limited to any one denominational perspective.

We are looking for caring people who want to make a difference in the lives of our community’s seniors, helping them to experience meaning, purpose and hope. Spiritual Care Volunteers contribute to the affirmation of the older person in their life journey, potentially supporting them as they find final meanings in life, face disabilities and losses, and find hope in the face of physical and mental deterioration and frailty.

Ongoing training modules developed by highly regarded Spiritual Care Education providers will be available for registered Spiritual Care Volunteers.

Spiritual Care Volunteers are not involved in providing clinical or personal care to residents.

Wesley Mission Queensland asks for a commitment to this role for a minimum of six months.

Volunteer opportunities are available at these locations: Chermside, Geebung, Bray Park and Sinnamon Park.
As a Spiritual Care Volunteer, you will have access to lots of benefits, such as:
  • Great education opportunities
  • Exclusive shopping discounts
  • Access to online and face-to-face wellness advisors
  • Free Flu Vaccinations
  • Invitations to social events
  • Being part of a team that really is making a difference in the lives of seniors in our Aged Care Communities.
To learn more about our award-winning aged care communities and Wesley Mission Queensland, please visit our website.
What Happens Next?

Before you consider becoming a Spiritual Care Volunteer, we ask that you read:

We also ask that you watch the Wesley Mission Volunteer Orientation Video and the Spiritual Care Orientation Video (Meaningful Aging Australia) to better understand volunteering in the area of spiritual care with Wesley Mission Queensland.

Once you have read these documents, watched the orientation video, and are confident you would like to become a volunteer, please complete this quick online registration. Once we receive your registration, we will send a form to request a copy of proof you have received one primary COVID-19 vaccination and your NDIS Workers Screening Check (which you can apply for through us free of charge). Then, a Wesley Mission Queensland representative will contact you to discuss the role further.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Wesley Mission Queensland Pastoral and Spiritual Care Educator at

We look forward to hearing from you!

Other Information
  • All our volunteers follow a COVID-19 safe work plan and provide proof they have received one primary COVID-19 vaccination before commencement.
  • Volunteers must have a current NDIS Workers Screening Clearance before commencement. This can be applied for through Wesley Mission Queensland at no cost to you.
  • Please visit Wesley Mission Queensland's website for our full privacy information and collection statement.
  • Wesley Mission Queensland holds the right to decline any expression of interests that they deem unsuitable without notice.
  • Please email us at if you need any clarification regarding this registration form and its contents.

Question Title

1. Please provide your personal details:

Question Title

2. Your date of birth?


Question Title

3. Please provide an emergency contact person for when you are volunteering:

Question Title

4. Do you have any special needs, time availability concerns, health issues, etc that you feel may affect your volunteer work or that we should know of in case of an emergency?

Question Title

5. Are you applying to volunteer with us as part of one of the following programs?
If you are a candidate for ordination (or equivalent) seeking a pastoral placement, or if you are undertaking a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education, please contact the Pastoral and Spiritual Care Educator for further information at

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6. Which suburb would you like to be a Spiritual Care Volunteer in?

Question Title

7. What days and time of day are you available?
You are welcome to select multiple options. 

  Morning Afternoon

Question Title

8. Please choose any of the below, which may assist us in matching your skills, interests, experience or training to an aspect of spiritual care offered at Wesley Mission Queensland. Please select as many options as you feel may be suitable.

Question Title

9. Please outline any qualities, skills, interests, talents, qualifications or experience you can bring to the volunteer position:

Question Title

10. Do you have an NDIS Worker Screening Check?
Your check must be current. You can apply for one through us if you do not have one.

Question Title

11. Are you able to provide proof that you have received a minimum of one primary COVID-19 vaccination?

Question Title

12. If recruited as a Wesley Mission Queensland Spiritual Care Volunteer, I agree to work within the terms and guidelines as outlined in the below declaration.

I understand that as a volunteer with Wesley Mission Queensland, I will be expected to:
  • Provide an ongoing commitment to the role.
  • Interact positively with residents, clients, staff, volunteers, families and the general public.
  • Understand and respect confidentiality and maintain professional boundaries.
  • Volunteer within the guidelines of Wesley Mission Queensland's Code of Conduct.
  • Undertake any education or competencies required for the position.
  • Be prompt and reliable when rostered to volunteer and notify my supervisor promptly if I am not able to attend my shift.
  • Work within the philosophies, policies, procedures, and guidelines of Wesley Mission Queensland.
  • Supply or complete the required security checks (checks are provided and paid for by Wesley Mission Queensland).
  • Follow a COVID-19 safe work plan and provide proof I have received one primary COVID-19 vaccination before commencement.
I have read, understood and are willing to follow the guidelines within the:
I have watched and understood the contents in the:

Thank you for completing this form!
By pressing "SUBMIT" I declare that the information I have provided is correct.