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Question Title

Survey: Property Owners' Perspectives and Experiences on Building Renovation
Your voice can shape the future of building renovation and building-related climate policy in Europe!

The International Union of Property Owners (UIPI), the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) and the Irish Property Owners Association (IPOA) are carrying out a survey on the sustainable and energy efficient renovation of buildings to gather your perspective, as a property owner or a real estate professional. Your experience should help us in understanding the needs, drivers and challenges building owners face in their building renovation journey.

The political focus on making buildings more efficient and sustainable is growing. New targets and rules are set at EU, national and local levels to promote climate neutrality in the building stock. But the key questions remains: What can property owners do? What have they done so far and what they are planning to do? What motivate them or what are the challenges they face?

By participating, you will help us to raise your view, propositions and concerns in the EU and national policy debates. Your answers will help us to promote future policies that are affordable, effective and acceptable for you and your sector! And you will have the chance to win a 50-euro Amazon gift card! Don’t miss this opportunity! Share your view!

This survey will take 10 minutes to complete. We kindly ask you to fill it in and thank you in advance for your participation.
By submitting this form, you consent to the processing of your anonymised data for the specified purposes. Your data will be used exclusively for this purpose and retained only as long as it’s necessary for the processing. The processing will be handled by UIPI. For inquiries, contact us at martinez@uipi.com