Thank you for your interest in this study of an investigational topical lotion for Netherton's.  In order to determine if you pre-qualify for this research study, we will ask you a few questions about your skin and treatments you may have tried. You may stop answering at any time and do not need to answer any questions that make you feel uncomfortable. All information you provide will be kept confidential and stored in the secured study database if you are enrolled in the study. If you will not qualify for the study, your information will also be kept in the secured database until the end of the study and then destroyed unless you elect to have us retain your information for potential future trials (see question 14 below).

Question Title

* 1. Please verify the following:

Question Title

* 2. Please provide thew following contact information:

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* 3. For the phone number you provided above please specify:

Question Title

* 4. Confirm age of Netherton's Syndrome Patient:

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* 5. If female, are you and/or your child pregnant or breastfeeding?

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* 6. Do you have a clinical diagnosis of Netherton's Syndrome (NS)?

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* 7. At what age did you and/ or your child start to experience the ONSET of your and/ or your child's skin disease/problems? (NOTE: We are asking for when you and/ or your child's skin problems began rather than the date your skin disease was diagnosed which is typically well after the ONSET of the condition.)

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* 8. Have you ever had genetic testing to confirm your diagnosis?

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* 9. If you answered yes to question 8 above, did the genetic test show (check all that apply):

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* 10. This study may require a genetic test to confirm your and/ or your child's NS diagnosis. Are you and/ or your child willing to have this test?

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* 11. 11. Do you and/or your child currently have NS lesions on your and/or your child’s body excluding scalp?

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* 12. Which of the following treatments have you used for NS? (please select any/all that apply):

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* 13. What treatments are you currently using for your NS? List all below.

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* 14. Are you and/ or your child currently enrolled in any other clinical research study?

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* 15. May we retain your information so we may contact you about potential future studies?

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* 16. How did you hear about this study?

Thank you for your answers!  If you pre-qualify, a team member will contact you soon.