We are granting the first 10 people to share their story a $10 Starbucks gift card!
We believe in the power of stories. Sharing our experiences can help us learn from each other and work toward safer communities. Help us spread the importance of safety!

Question Title

1. Your First & Last Name

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2. Your Email Address

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3. Your Phone Number

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4. Your Company Name

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5. Are you okay with your story being shared on our social media platform with your photo included?(Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter)

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6. Please upload an image of you which we can use to post along with your safety story on social media (No other people included in the photo).

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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7. Share a time when you experienced a circumstance involving your safety. It can be good or bad. Feel free to write as much or little as you desire!

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8. Have you ever been in a situation where technology has positively or negatively impacted your safety? Please describe in detail.

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9. I have read the consent form and acknowledge that my safety story and photo could be shared on social media. View Consent Form Here.

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10. Additional terms and conditions (available here) apply to the receipt of gift card. 

Check to confirm: "I have read the gift card terms and conditions and understand and agree to be bound by these terms."