Maitland Town Hall is a state heritage listed building and considered a regional civic and cultural hub for the City of Maitland. The Town Hall and adjacent meeting rooms are used by a wide range of groups throughout the year for a variety of purposes including performances and rehearsals, meetings, functions and major events.

To protect the rich history of this important civic space and to ensure we are adequately planning for the future, Council is working on a business plan. The plan aims to guide future works at the Town Hall and will consider community needs and aspirations, management options and operational factors such as revenue and expenditure.

We have prepared a short survey to help inform the development of the business plan. We want to better understand community aspirations, priorities and future requirements for the Town Hall. What do you think of the current facility and what could it be?

The survey is for anyone that uses, or would like to use the Town Hall (whether that be just the main auditorium or the meeting room spaces).

The survey will be open until Monday 29 February 2016. If you have any difficulties completing the survey, contact Kate Harris, Maitland City Council Recreation Planning Coordinator on ph. 02 4934 9717.

Hard copies are also available at Council’s Administration Building, located at 285-287 High Street Maitland as well as Council’s Libraries. Hard copies of the survey can be returned in person to the Council Administration Building at 285-287, High Street, Maitland or via post to PO Box 220, Maitland, 2320.

Please encourage your friends and colleagues to complete the survey.

Thank-you for completing this survey. Your information is important to the project and we appreciate your time.

In line with Council’s Privacy Policy any personal information provided in this survey will not be passed on to any other parties.

Question Title

* 1. Are you completing this survey on behalf of a group or organisation?

Question Title

* 2. If you are answering on behalf of a group, organisation or business, what is the name of your group?

Question Title


Question Title

* 3. Which rooms or spaces do you usually use at the Maitland Town Hall?

Question Title

* 4. Why do you or your group usually book or attend the Maitland Town Hall?

  Book Attend (an event or activity)
Performing Arts
Dance school performance or rehearsal
Social event (eg. Wedding, party, dinner dance)
Seminar, conference or expo
Community or sporting event

Question Title

* 5. How often, on average, do you or your group use or attend the Maitland Town Hall?

Question Title

* 6. Thinking about the main auditorium, how would you rate the following aspects? Where 1 = poor and 5 = excellent

2 3 4 (excellent)
Administration/management (keys, access, booking process)
Accessibility in and around the main auditorium
Technical equipment (audio, sound, IT)
Change rooms and backstage area
Hire fees
Room size
Availability of space

Question Title

* 7. Thinking about the meeting rooms, how would you rate the following aspects? Where 1 = poor and 5 = excellent

2 3 4 (excellent)
Administration/management (keys, access, booking process)
Accessibility in and around the Meeting rooms
Technical equipment (audio, sound, IT)
Change rooms and backstage area
Hire fees
Room size
Availability of space

Question Title

* 8. What would encourage you to use the auditorium and/or its meeting rooms, more often?

  Auditorium Meeting Rooms Auditorium & Meeting Rooms
More availability at the times I want to book/use it
There are activities there that I want to attend
Improved change rooms/backstage area
More comfortable seating
Better heating and/or cooling
Better disabled/all abilities access
Affordable hire fees
Better technical equipment
Easy access to public transport