Orman Guidance is coordinating a research study on the topic of Healthcare.

Please complete the following survey to express your interest in the online session in August and/or in-person session in September.

A representative from Orman Guidance will follow-up with you if you fit a segment being studied.

Question Title

* 1. Do you have access to reliable high-speed internet connection and laptop or desktop computer with working webcam and microphone that you can use for an online interview session?

1. If your answers align with the mix of consumers we seek for follow-up, and you would like to be chosen to participate in the study, please provide your telephone number and email address to allow a representative from Orman Guidance to contact you with scheduling details. 
2. This is a paid market research opportunity; there are never any sales involved during or as a result of your participation.
3. You are under no obligation to participate. If at any point you do not wish to answer a question, simply close the browser.