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Informed Consent

Dear Participant,

This screening survey is part of a Study of How Parents of LGBTQIA+ Youth Experience School-Based Sex Education. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Based on responses to this screening survey, the researcher will contact eligible participants through email or phone to schedule an individual interview.

Your responses to this survey will be used to determine whether you qualify for the main portion of the study, consisting of a 90-minute face to face Zoom interview that will be recorded.

If you do not qualify for the interview, then the information you provide in the survey will be discarded. If you do qualify for the interview, the researcher will contact you to schedule an online or phone interview. Participants will be reimbursed for completing the interview with a $50 virtual gift card from Amazon.

There are minimal, if any, risks from participating in this study. Benefits may include positive feelings about helping others understand the experiences of parents in your situation. In the survey, you will be asked for your name and contact information so that the researcher can contact you to schedule an interview. The survey also requests some demographic information. Identifying information will NOT be associated with your interview data. Interview recordings and transcripts will be stored separately from survey data, including any identifying information. Research results will be shared anonymously. There will be no personally identifiable information associated with your responses in any reports of this data.

This study is for my dissertation at Antioch University New England in the PhD for Couple and Family Therapy. Results of the research will be published in one or more professional publications.

Your participation is voluntary, and you may elect to discontinue your participation at any time. If you have any questions about the survey or the research study, please contact me at:

This project has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at Antioch University. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact Dr. Kevin Lyness, Chair of the Antioch University Institutional Review Board, at or Dr. Shawn Fitzgerald, Dean of the School of Counseling, Psychology, and Therapy at

By clicking "Next" below, I am indicating that I have read and understood this consent form and agree to participate in this research study. Please print a copy of this page for your records.

Thank you for your participation!

Question Title

* 1. By clicking I AGREE below, you verify that you have read and understand the explanation of the study, and that you consent to participate in this research study according to the terms and conditions outlined above. You also understand that your participation is strictly voluntary and that you may withdraw without penalties or consequences.

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