Thank you for your interest in attending a confidential preview screening of the upcoming film MILLIE LIES LOW. This test screening will be used to help filmmakers in the final stages of editing by providing independent audience feedback with 'fresh eyes'.
The filmmakers are now specifically looking for females aged 18-34* who love black comedies/drama-comedy.
This film is strictly confidential.
*Other age groups are full

Question Title


<span style="color: #666699;"> </span>
Millie’s misses her flight to New York when a moment of panic hits. Broke and ashamed, she opts to lie low in her hometown, using her wits and Instagram to convince everyone that she is living the dream.
COMEDY   Running Time: 98 mins   ANTICIPATED RATING: M

When: Tuesday 16 February 2020 - please arrive at 6pm for a 6:15pm screening
Where: Event Cinemas Newmarket (Westfield)
Session includes the film screening, choice of free ice cream or popcorn, and 10 min questionnaire. The event will be finished by approx. 8.15pm.
Limited Seating - Registration essential
Note: By attending this screening, all attendees agree that all aspects of the screening and the content of the film are highly confidential until the NZ release.

Question Title

* 1. Are you interested in attending a test audience free preview of this feature film?