Welcome to the 2024 State of Open Source in Financial Services survey!

FINOS, the Fintech Open Source Foundation, and Linux Foundation Research, along with partners GitHub, Red Hat, Scott Logic, and Sonatype, are conducting a study to assess the opportunities and potential challenges of using and contributing to open source in the financial services sector. The target audience for this survey includes developers, engineers, executive and IT management, open source, security, legal, risk, compliance, procurement, and HR professionals from financial services organizations and fintechs.

We appreciate your participation. This survey should take you around 10 minutes. The survey data will be used to provide detailed insights to FINOS members and the broader financial services ecosystem, focusing on how to effectively and efficiently advance their use of open source to realize benefits while mitigating potential risks.
PRIVACY: Your name and/or organization name will not be displayed. Reviews are attributed to your role, organization size, and industry. Responses will be subject to the Linux Foundation’s Privacy Policy, available at https://linuxfoundation.org/privacy. Please note that research partners who are not Linux Foundation employees will review the survey results. Survey partners are not permitted to use your data for other purposes.

BONUS: To thank you for qualifying and completing this survey, respondents will receive a 20% discount code to attend the Open Source Finance Forum, the only conference dedicated to driving open source collaboration and innovation across the financial services industry. Find more information and register at https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-finance-forum/. In addition, you will receive a 30% discount code on any Linux Foundation e-learning training course or certification exam, as long as you register for a course before September 30, 2024.

VISIBILITY: We will summarize the survey data and share the findings during the Open Source Finance Forum in New York in September. Details for the event can be found at https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-finance-forum-new-york/.

QUESTIONS: If you have questions regarding this survey, please email info@finos.org.