Do you have thoughts and ideas about how to best support student mental health through MTSS?

The Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC; a research-practice partnership between the VCU School of Education and your school division) is forming an advisory council to help schools best utilize Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to support student mental health. Please read below to learn more about this project and share your information to express interest in joining the council, which will be purposefully selected from people who complete this form to ensure representativeness of different perspectives and school contexts across the metropolitan Richmond region. If you participated in the MERC survey asking about the emotional and professional capacity of PK12 faculty and staff to meet the mental health needs of students, your responses in this form will not be linked to your responses in that survey in any way.

Enhancing Assessment of MTSS Fidelity and Effectiveness for PK-12 Student Mental Health Support in Virginia Schools

This project seeks to address rising mental health needs in PK-12 schools since the onset of COVID-19 through Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS). The proposed project will accomplish three specific aims. 

1. To explore research-based practices for high-fidelity MTSS implementation for supporting student mental health across different school contexts.
2. To understand how MTSS contributes to the professional capacity of faculty and staff in metropolitan Richmond schools to meet the mental health needs of their students across different school contexts. 
3. To develop a model for implementing and assessing MTSS implementation related to mental health support across different school contexts (e.g. rural, urban, or suburban) with input from faculty and staff in MTSS schools.

Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC)

The advisory council will consist of educators and leaders in MTSS schools in the MERC region (Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, and Richmond Public Schools) to provide input on factors contributing to high-fidelity (consistency) MTSS implementation in support of mental health as well as the adaptation of an instrument for assessing fidelity.

Each council member will participate in seven virtual (Zoom) meetings for approximately 90 minutes each.

Advisory council members will receive a total stipend of $1000 for their participation.