Captive Review's Power 50 2024 |
The Captive Review Power 50 is back, and we're once again looking for your nominations to decide who are the 50 most influential professionals working in the captive insurance industry today.
But 2024 also marks the 25-year anniversary of Captive Review, and to celebrate that milestone we are also collating a special 25 at 25 list. This list is designed to recognise the 25 individuals to have left the biggest mark on the captive industry since our birth in 1999, and we also want your nominations to help compile this list.
So, please tell us the names you think deserve recognition.
For our 2024 Power 50 you can nominate up to three captive service professionals, as well as two captive owners and a single one to watch, to feature on their own separate lists. Remember, individuals in the Captive Review Hall of Fame cannot be included in these lists.
For the 25 at 25 list, anyone who has worked in the captive industry over the last 25 years can be nominated, including captive owners, those to have serviced captives, and anyone in the Hall of Fame. You are allowed to nominate one individual for this list.
We are looking for champions of the captive insurance industry.
Criteria used to judge the final rankings are based on their level of: influence, innovation, visibility/accessibility, skill/ability, and how dedicated they are to helping the industry as a whole thrive.
When choosing your nominees please consider these five criteria carefully, and check to spell their names correctly, as nominations may otherwise be missed.
Voting ends 15 January 2024.
Please note there is only one chance to submit, so please enter all of your names before final submission.