Have your say! 'Law for Community Workers on the go' Question Title 1. Where do you work? Question Title 2. Which region do you work in? (tick as many as apply) Central West and Orana Far West Hunter Illawarra Shoalhaven New England and North West North Coast Riverina Murray South West and Southern Tablelands Sydney Other (please specify) Question Title 3. What groups of people do you work with? (tick as many as apply) People experiencing financial disadvantage Children and Young People (up to 24) Indigenous Australians Older People (65 plus) People experiencing, or at risk of, family violence People living in rural or remote areas People who are culturally and linguistically diverse People with a physical disability People with an intellectual disability or cognitive impairment Newly arrived migrants and refugees Prisoners People experiencing homelessness Veterans Other (please specify) Question Title 4. Have you listened to our podcast 'Law for Community Workers on the go' Yes No 17% of survey complete. Next