Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope® Online Store Survey

We noticed that you have ordered products from the Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope® Online Store within the past few months. Your opinion is very important to us and your feedback will help us improve your shopping experience. All respondents who complete the survey will receive a complimentary Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope® branded gift as a token of our appreciation for your time. Thank you in advance for your time and responses!

1. Please rate your overall shopping experience in each of the OBE Online Stores.
2. Please rate the quality of the products you received.  
3. If you required assistance with your online store purchase, please rate the quality and timeliness of the service received.
4. How often do you anticipate shopping in the OBE Online Store?

Question Title


5. Suggestions/Feedback – Please share any additional suggestions and feedback you may have.
For example, tell us:

  • What you like the most and/or the least about the store;
  • Your level of satisfaction with the product selection;
  • What types of stationery or apparel/promo products you would like to see in the store, etc.

Question Title

* Contact Information:
We will only use your contact information to send your complimentary Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope® branded gift.