Dear Owner/Managing Director/CEO/Manufacturer/Producer

Team Namibia is all about creating awareness about the need of supporting local; by shopping and consuming, by buying and procuring local produce, products and services.

We all are affected by the potential spread of Covid-19 in Namibia and the resulting lock-down period, which affects our lives in so many ways.  Mostly, in the short term, we need to adjust to the reality, and find alternatives as to how we go about our everyday lives. For many it will be extremely difficult – businesses and individuals – who might be faced with lower turnover and personal income.  There is however, a light at the end of the tunnel, a silver lining. With the restriction on movement of people, and limited availability of goods due to incapacitated production lines in traditional source markets, it may finally lead to greater reliance on local production and manufacturing, and the engagement of local service providers.

Not is there only a great probability that we need more local food production but it also really the most opportune moment that we highlight the importance of local production, manufacturing and industrialisation.

If you are a producer and manufacturer of Namibian produce or products, please do complete this form so that we know more about you and share it with retailers and other possible buyers. 

Therefore, in order for us to to be able contact you and keep you informed about our activities, please can you complete this form. 

Many thanks and kind regards

Yours in Uumkumwe

Together, our future is brighter 

Team Namibia

Question Title

* 1. Please can you provide your contact details.

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* 2. Please can you select the option that best applies to your organisation.

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* 3. What is your company registration number?

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* 4. Is you business a member of Team Namibia? If not would you like to become a member?

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* 5. Which type of products are you manufacturing/producing?

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* 6. Where is your production /factory located? 

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* 7. Where to you sell your products/produce?

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* 8. Any other comments?