25% of survey complete.
Council needs help to understand what young people think would make the parkland and foreshore areas of Little Lake Boort more appealing to young people.

Thanks for doing the survey .. and please ask your friends to complete a survey also

..Here are other ways you can be involved in the project

1. Go into BRIC and WRITE OR DRAW your ideas, or post pictures on the Little Lake Boort IDEAS WALL.

2. TALK TO US Little Lake Boort on SUNDAY 27th November. Here is where we will be:
12.30 - 1.15 - Nolens Park picnic shelter 
1.30 - 2.15 - Historic Park
2.30 - 3.30 - Sailing / Angling Clubrooms 
3.45 - 4.30 - Myrnong Beach

If you don't want to talk with us bring us photos of things you would like to see for young people
3. SEND us your THOUGHTS or a SUBMISSION  .. or get your class and to (due 2nd December)
    * Online submissions: https://www.research.net/r/LLBoortSubmissionForm
    * Send us a submission by post or drop it into the Shire offices.

4.   Add your COMMENTS to the BOORT facebook page

** In line with Council’s Privacy Policy any personal information provided in this survey will not be passed on to any other parties.

Question Title

* 1. Which best describes the number of times you visited the Little lake Boort parkland and bushland areas?

Question Title

* 2. Who do you generally go to Little Lake Boort with?

Question Title

* 3. How do you generally travel to Little Lake Boort?

Question Title

* 4. Which best describes the things you did when you went to Little Lake Boort in the last year? You can select a number of options

Question Title

* 5. Which best describes the areas you primarily visited in and around the lake the last year?

Question Title

* 6. Please tell us up to 3 things that would encourage you to use the the bushland, parkland and water areas around Little Lake Boort more