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* 1. What is your connection to this place? Please choose all that apply?

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* 2. Tell us your TOP 3 things that are missing from the area that would make it more attractive to live or visit (Choose your top 3)

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* 3. Please provide a comment on why you chose your top three:


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* 4. What would be your overall vision for the future of Hammondville Park? Keep in mind there will be something for everyone. Select one sentence - or suggest your own alternative

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* 5. What are your top three most important things that will create an amazing new recreational precinct at Hammondville? (select up to 4)

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* 6. Think big! What's your great idea for this new recreational precinct?


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* 7. We want to provide for and bring our community together at Hammondville Park. What would you like to see offered in a new Community Facility?

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* 8. Once completed, who would you be visiting the new Community Facility with?

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* 9. Think big! What would make our Community Facility a place you would love to visit?


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* 10. What is your age?

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* 11. Do you live in a household with children?

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* 12. What suburb do you live in?

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* 13. Do you live within 10 minutes walk of Hammondville Park?

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* 14. What gender do you identify with?  

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* 15. Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?

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* 16. Please provide your email if you would like to stay up to date with progress on this project and future opportunities to shape the design