14% of survey complete.
In today's business landscape, effective Learning & Development (L&D) has become more critical than ever for driving organizational performance, employee engagement and competitive advantage. As companies navigate challenges such as digital transformation, skills gaps, and changing workforce demographics, L&D leaders are under pressure to deliver high-impact, agile learning solutions that align with strategic priorities.

To help address challenges and identify opportunities for improvement, we are conducting a study on the current state of corporate L&D. By participating in this research, you will contribute to building a robust industry benchmark and gaining actionable insights to enhance your L&D strategy and execution.

Key topics covered in the survey include:
- Organizational structure and budget allocation of L&D departments
- Types of training offered and technologies leveraged
- Skills, competencies and development priorities of L&D professionals
- Anticipated changes in L&D staffing and resourcing
- Top challenges and pain points impacting L&D effectiveness

The survey will take 9-10 minutes to complete. Your responses will be strictly confidential and analyzed in aggregate to identify industry trends and best practices.

In appreciation for your participation, each survey respondent will get a comprehensive report on the research results. In addition, the first 100 respondents will be entered into a drawing to receive a complimentary registration to one of Brandon Hall Group's six certification programs. Five respondents will be selected. All other respondents among the first 100 will receive a 50% discount to register for one of the certification programs.

Thank you in advance for your time and valuable insights.

Matt Pittman
Principal HCM Analyst
Brandon Hall Group