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Do you have anything new to add?
In summer 2023 we conducted a survey to hear thoughts on creating an urban provincial park in the Township of Uxbridge and the idea of urban provincial parks in general. In fall 2023 we then asked for comments on the proposal to establish Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006.

We received over 4,300 responses during the two comment periods! Most of the comments related to:
  • strong support for creating an urban provincial park near Uxbridge,
  • the protection of these lands as being important; and
  • that the creation of recreational opportunities is also very important.
We also heard that Indigenous communities are interested in the protection of these lands, and their continued involvement in the management and operation of the Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park. Ontario Parks intends to continue working with Indigenous communities to ensure interests and rights are respected and integrated into future use and development of the park.

We are now starting the park management planning process. Through this first stage, release of the background information document, we are asking Indigenous communities and the public if there is anything we missed or if there is any new information we should consider.

To help you determine if you have anything new to add, please go to the Environmental Registry of Ontario at https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-8727, and fully review the two documents:

1. Background Information document
  • Presents a summary of all of the information we have collected about Uxbridge Provincial Park
2. 2023 Public Survey and Regulation Amendment Proposal Results
  • Presents what we heard during the survey (summer 2023) as well as management planning comments received during the boundary regulation proposal comment period (fall 2023)