Renewal 2024 Registration - APS |
Thank you for your interest in the Renewal Retreat on Saturday, October 19 from 8:30am-12:30pm at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
(Note: all slots in the September 14th date have been filled)
After registration, you will be receiving a series of emails from us in the weeks leading up to the event- including information about the location and speakers. You will also receive a brief article/video to review beforehand so that you can get the most out of this event!
After registration, you will be receiving a series of emails from us in the weeks leading up to the event- including information about the location and speakers. You will also receive a brief article/video to review beforehand so that you can get the most out of this event!
There is a good chance that there will be a waitlist for these events, so if at any time you realize that you cannot attend, please email us ASAP at sschumann3@phs.org so we can fill your slot.
On behalf of APS and the Employee Wellness Department, we are excited to bring you this retreat!