Please complete the following quiz. You can view your score at the end of this quiz. If you do not earn a score of 75% or higher, please review the presentation and submit the quiz again. CME and MOC points will be awarded on a 30-day basis. If you have any questions, please contact

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information to receive CME credit, following successful completion of the knowledge change survey.

Question Title

* 2. American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) ID# (REQUIRED for pediatricians seeking part 2 MOC)

Question Title

* 3. Month and date of birth (MM/DD) (REQUIRED for pediatricians seeking part 2 MOC)

Question Title

* 4. The average age of onset of eating disorders has now decreased to:

Question Title

* 5. Evidence exists that adolescents at higher weights are at increased risk for all of the following eating disorders, except:

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* 6. Parents may aid the identification of an eating disorder in a child or adolescent. Presenting concerns expressed by a parent may include all of the following except:

Question Title

* 7. Growth and developmental concerns are a unique medical risk in children and young adolescents with restrictive eating disorders. Growth and development concerns that may represent a restrictive eating disorder in a child or young adolescent include all of the following except:

Question Title

* 8. Medical symptoms seen in a youth engaging in purging behaviors may include all of the following except:

Question Title

* 9. Were the individual learning objectives of this CME activity achieved?

Question Title

* 10. Based on what you learned in this activity, do you plan to change:
The strategies you implement in practice (e.g., how you diagnose/manage patients, coordinate care, etc.)?

Question Title

* 11. Based on what you learned in this activity, do you plan to change:
What you do in practice (e.g., how you perform exams, instruct, counsel patients/families, etc.)?

Question Title

* 12. If YES to either of the above questions, please identify any changes in practice that you plan to make:

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* 13. If NO and you do not plan to make changes in practice, other than lack of time and resources, why not? (select all
that apply)

Question Title

* 14. Do you feel the educational content contributed to stereotypes and/or biases which could negatively impact patients, colleagues, or trainees?

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* 15. Do you feel a commercial product, device, or service was inappropriately promoted in the educational content?

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* 16. On a scale of 1 to 7, what was the return on your investment of time/effort for participating in this activity?

  1 - Low Return 2 3 4 - Medium Return 5 6 7 - High Return