As the region prepares for FIFA World Cup 26TM, it helps KC2026 to have an idea of what communities, businesses, or entertainment districts might be planning in terms of special events and transportation (like shuttles, guided paths, etc.).

We understand that things will change. This survey helps get the conversation started, so we can develop a transportation plan that is informed by activities throughout the region.

This short survey will be used to help inform the design of a safe, seamless, and easy-to-use transportation system for visitors and residents during the FIFA World Cup 26TM.

The information provided will be used for planning purposes only.

Question Title

* 1. Transportation Planning: Is your organization/community planning or considering providing any transportation services during the FIFA World CupTM? (Select all that apply).

Question Title

* 2. For each of the options selected above, please provide any information you can at this time, including general location, route, or goals for the service.