Seed Summit Survey 2022 Question Title * 1. Are you primarily a: Farmer Seed grower Industry Question Title * 2. What's your familiarity with the seed regulatory modernization consultation being conducted by CFIA? Extremely familiar Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not so familiar Not at all familiar Question Title * 3. When you buy seed, what is most important to you? Rank from (1 most important, 4 least) Question Title * 4. What is the biggest change the seed industry could make to benefit your farm? Higher levels of traceability More information on the seed tag and label Improve variety registration system Use more technology to improve efficiencies Question Title * 5. What improvements would you like to see as part of Canada’s variety development and seed system? Question Title * 6. How often do you buy certified seed other than soybeans, canola and corn? Every year Every other year Every three years Every four years Every five years or more Question Title * 7. Contact. Share your information and we'll share the results back with you, via email. Name State/Province Email Address Done