GEF IEO Online Course Feedback Form
Which best describes your work affiliation?
Government staff (Recipient Country)
Government staff (Donor Country)
Staff of bilateral/ multilateral project
Civil Society Organization
Multilateral organization
Independent consultant
Which modules have you completed at least 50% of?
Introduction to the Course
Evaluating at the Nexus of Development and Environment
Using a System Lens to Expand a Theory of Change
Geospatial Approaches in Environmental Evaluation: An Introduction
Using Geospatial Approaches with Other Evaluation Methods
How would you rate your over-all experience with the course?
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
Please share your feedback below
How clear and easy-to-follow is the content?
Very confusing
1 star
Mostly confusing
2 stars
Some parts clear, some confusing
3 stars
Mostly clear and easy to follow
4 stars
Very clear and easy to follow
5 stars
Please share more details here
To what extent do the modules give just the right amount of information to give a good understanding of the topic without being overwhelming?
Too much or not enough content to give good understanding
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
Right amount of content to provide good understanding
5 stars
Please share more details here
How well does the voiceover (audio narration) help communicate the main messages, rather than confuse or distract?
Voiceover content and quality detract from main messages
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
Voiceover content and quality strengthen main messages
5 stars
Please share more details here
How well do the on-screen text and visuals help communicate the main messages, rather than confuse or distract?
On-screen text and visuals detract from main messages
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
On-screen text and visuals strengthen main messages
5 stars
Please share more details here
To what extent do the interactive exercises reinforce understanding of the concepts presented in the modules, rather than confuse?
Interactive exercises increase confusion
1 star
Interactive exercises mostly increase confusion
2 stars
Interactive exercises do not add to understanding
3 stars
Interactive exercises mostly increase understanding
4 stars
Interactive exercises increase understanding of concepts
5 stars
Please share more details here
How would you rate the course's other features in facilitating your learning?
User interface (navigation buttons, clickable elements, etc.)
Visual effect (color scheme, layout, fonts, etc.)
Downloadable PDF transcript
Resource links
Please share more details here
Anything else you would like to share?
Would you be open to us following up on your feedback? If YES, please provide your email below.