IARHC Member Feedback

Thank you for being a part of the Iowa Association of Rural Health Clinics (IARHC). Please take a few moments to complete this survey to help us better understand how we can make your membership more valuable. 
1.What motivated you to join IARHC?(Required.)
2.What specific resources or support would be most beneficial to your clinic?(Required.)
3.Is there a current challenge your clinic is facing? Please provide information about the challenge for IARHC to understand how to assist.(Required.)
4.Are there any specific topics or areas you would like to see covered more in our weekly listserv or newsletter?(Required.)
5.Have you participated in any trainings or educational events organized by the IARHC? If yes, please share your feedback.(Required.)
6.What topics or areas of training would you like to see offered in the future? (e.g. billing and coding, emergency preparedness, management, cyber security, networking sessions)(Required.)
7.In what ways do you think the IARHC can better advocate for rural health clinics in Iowa?(Required.)
8.How would you rate the overall value of your IARHC membership?(Required.)
9.Would you like to share additional thoughts about IARHC with us?
10.Optional: Name and Clinic
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