About the Project

Summary of work:
  • Reconstruct and improve the Hwy 10 and 23 interchange
  • Reconstruct both directions of Hwy 10 between 15th Ave. SE and Benton Dr. includes turn lanes, shoulders and entrances
  • Reconstruct both directions of Hwy 23 from east of Wilson Ave. SE near the pedestrian overpass to east of Benton Co. Rd. 1, includes turn lanes, shoulders and entrances
  • Update signal systems

Please take a few minutes and let us know how we communicated details of the project, what went well and what we can improve. Your feedback will help us with future projects in the years ahead.

If you have questions about this survey or problems accessing it, please email: marketresearch.dot@state.mn.us

*Questions that require an answer are marked as such with an asterisk.

Question Title

Highway 11 construction
Note: To the extent information submitted in connection with this survey identifies an individual or business, the information may be protected from disclosure under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA). Any identifying information you provide will not be associated with your individual survey responses. However, any identifying information will be accessible to MnDOT employees whose job reasonably requires access to the information, to anyone you specifically authorize to receive the information, pursuant to a court order, and by any other person or entity authorized by state or federal law. You are not obligated to respond to this survey, and there are no consequences if you do not respond. However, if you do not respond, MnDOT may not fully understand the publics’ experience with this project.

Question Title

* 1. How familiar are you with the project?