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Housing Activist Network - sign up
Join Shelter's Housing Activist Network
Shelter's building a network of passionate housing campaigners from all over the country. By joining this network you’ll have the chance to campaign both online and in real life.
You'll be invited to attend campaigning events (always in line with government coronavirus guidelines), Tweet about our campaigns, share actions on Facebook and attend campaigns training where you can learn about new ways to get involved and make your voice heard, including through using arts and crafts.
By joining this network you'll also be able to write blogs and emails to our supporters, speak at events and take part in our street campaign stalls.
We’ll provide support and training to make sure you’re building your own skills as well as taking part in some of our biggest campaigns.
By providing your details at the end of the short survey we can make sure we tell you about campaigning opportunities that you'll be interested in.