Help Shape the City of Hayward's Future! |

Your input is needed! The City of Hayward is committed to providing public services and facilities that help maintain a high quality of life. Accordingly, 10 years ago Hayward voters overwhelmingly approved Measure C, authorizing a modest ½ cent sales tax to fund high-priority city services and upgrades to aging public facilities.
Over the past 10 years, this vital funding has helped the City:
Over the past 10 years, this vital funding has helped the City:
- Construct a comprehensive Regional Fire Training Center and renovate five City fire stations
- Build Hayward’s award-winning, state-of-the art downtown Library and Community Learning Center
- Complete the City’s largest road improvement project in history
- Reduce graffiti and illegal dumping around the city
- Add 14 staff positions at the Hayward Police Department
However, even with these accomplishments, much work remains. The City still has significant unmet facility and service needs. To help us maintain vital city services, address critical needs, and continue to move Hayward forward, one solution we are now studying is the concept of extending WITHOUT increasing Hayward’s ½ cent sales tax.
No final decisions have been made on this proposal yet, and none are expected until this June.