Welcome to our feedback survey All your responses are anonymous. Your answers will help us better understand how people will use what they have learned and help us to improve our websites. Thank you for participating. Question Title * 1. Tell us a bit about yourself. Please select the option that best applies to you: I am worried about my risk of anxiety I have anxiety I'm just interested in the topic I am a family or friend care partner/caregiver of a person living with anxiety I am a health care professional Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Was this information relevant? Very relevant (this was the information I expected) Relevant Somewhat relevant Not very relevant (this was not the information I expected) Question Title * 3. Did you understand this information? Very well (I understood everything) Well Poorly Very poorly (I did not understand much) Question Title * 4. What do you think about this information? Check all that apply. This information: taught me something new allowed me to validate what I do or did reassured me refreshed my memory motivated me to learn more I did not like this information or a part of this information (please explain your response below) Question Title * 5. Will you use this information? Yes No 20% of survey complete. Next