You can watch the video for this class after completing the questions below.

• Participants must be at least 18 years of age.

Michael-John Bristow has been providing neuroscience-based coaching and training to individuals and Fortune 500 clients for more than a decade. His international experience and dynamic teaching style make him a highly regarded trainer and coach. Michael-John’s methods combine the rigor of solid research with the practicality of real-world experience. The goal of learning is not only knowledge, but action, and Michael-John brings this philosophy to all of his work with Go Neuro. He is also a proud father, and author of three bestselling books.

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* 1. What is your full name? (First/Last name)

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* 2. What is your personal (non-work) email?

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* 3. What is your 5-digit zipcode?

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* 4. It will be helpful to the instructor to know the following. I am currently:

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* 5. The company I currently work for is:

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* 6. My current Job Title is:

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* 7. How did you hear about this class?

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* 8. Which social media platforms do you prefer/use the most?

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* 9. Demographic Information: The SPEEA ACE program mission is "to increase diversity and equity in professional and technical careers in the aerospace workforce with preferences to Veterans, active duty military spouses, and students from underserved communities."

SPEEA ACE is state funded. Your responses to demographic information are voluntary and is requested by the granting agency. SPEEA ACE may report aggregate findings about the demographics on its website or in other public spaces.