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The 2024 HPC Innovation Excellence Award winners will be announced at the Hyperion Research AI/HPC Market Update Breakfast Briefing during SC24. To honor their achievements, we will present a trophy (above), a $1,000 USD prize, and global recognition through a press release.

HPC Innovation Excellence Award
The HPC Innovation Excellence Awards recognize significant achievements in high performance computing. HPC uses parallel processor clusters for complex problem-solving, including computational analysis, modeling, simulation, machine/deep learning, AI, and quantum computing. HPC supports science, engineering, and data analytics in supercomputing facilities, enterprises, government, university data centers, and cloud environments.

Main goals:
  • Recognize HPC-enabled innovations in science, engineering, and data analytics, including advancements in public sector science and ROI in both public and private sectors.
  • Showcase HPC accomplishments in various environments such as traditional HPC centers, enterprise data centers, cloud computing platforms, and quantum technologies.
  • Highlight the broad benefits of adopting HPC.
  • Demonstrate the value of HPC to funding organizations, elected officials, and investors.
  • Expand public understanding and support for HPC.
          Criteria for the Awards
          Hyperion Research and the HPC User Forum Steering Committee welcome award entries from anywhere in the world.
          • Achievements are judged based on their value and impact on scientific, engineering, or business problems. Awards recognize actual accomplishments, not future plans. Achievements during the past five years are eligible.
          • Submissions must show positive impacts on fields like science, medicine, engineering, data science, computer science, business success (e.g., revenue growth, cost savings, increased profits, job growth), the HPC community, or society. Incremental advancements are also considered, not just major breakthroughs.
          • Achievements must involve more than using new HPC technologies for speed or efficiency. Acceptable entries may combine fundamental algorithmic changes with hardware advancements (e.g., implementing weather codes on GPUs for global modeling).
          • Innovative technologies or methods are welcome if their value is proven in the community or society. Documentation, references, and attestations are requested to support the evaluation process.
                        Process for Submitting
                        Use the application form on the Next page to submit candidates for the awards. For multiple candidates, please complete a separate form for each.
                        • Hyperion Research’s HPC analysts are available to answer questions and provide guidance on submissions. For assistance, please contact Cary Sudan. If needed, you may download copies of the form; however, online submissions are preferred.
                        • The form should be completed by the candidate or the project's principal investigator/leader. Submissions are evaluated by the HPC User Forum Steering Committee, an international group of volunteers from government, industry, and academia, who may consult domain experts for further evaluation.
                        We are accepting applications until October 21, 2024. Submissions received after this date will be kept on file and considered for the 2025 awards.