
You're invited to participate in exclusive patient digital experience benchmarking research. This should take 5-7 minutes of your time. And, if you choose, you can also get first access to the benchmarking results.


With the ever-changing healthcare landscape, healthcare administrators are being asked to do more and more -- manage costs, risks, and increase efficiency while enhancing the patient experience.

Complicating this further, patients are demanding more information and choices in their healthcare, and providers need to meet these expectations by offering personalized care, improving communication, and providing convenient access.

Through this research, we are seeking input on the current state of the patient experience and key organizational priorities as this space evolves.

We will have you rank yourself relative to your peers (however you define your peer set) in terms of overall experience, understand how you have or would like to further enhance the patient experience, and identify additional opportunities available.

All feedback will be kept confidential and only disclosed in the aggregate.

As a research respondent, you will get first access to the research results when they become available.

Thank you for your participation. If you have any questions about this research or further topics to explore, please write to


NovaNav is conducting this research to inform organizational opportunities in the healthcare space. For more information about NovaNav, please visit