HC Community Partners is an annualized sponsorship program established to develop and continue relationships with business leaders and seeks to promote neighborly partnerships between Highlands College and its surrounding community.
Please complete the submission form below, and a member of our team will be in touch soon with your next steps.

Question Title

* Business Name

Question Title

* Partner Name

Question Title

* Primary Contact Name

Question Title

* Primary Contact Email

Question Title

* Primary Contact Phone Number

Question Title

* Business Address

Question Title

* Spouse Name

Question Title

* Upload a PNG or JPEG file of your logo here.

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Enter your organization's website URL below.

Question Title

* How did you hear about the HC Community Partner program?

Question Title

* Were you referred by a 2023-2024 Community Partner?

Question Title

* Please include any additional comments or questions you may have regarding the HC Community Partner program below.

Question Title

* Community Partner Guidelines
All Community Partners agree to adhere to the following guidelines and conditions.
- Highlands College reserves the right to approve all Community Partner submissions.
- Highlands College reserves the right to approve all Community Partner logos before they are used on marketing items.
- All Partner logos must be submitted to Highlands College as soon as possible for advertising and website purposes and to maximize Community Partners' marketing benefits.
- Impact Conference logo deadline is November 15, 2024.
- All Partner Levels
- The partnership balance is due by November 1, 2024.
- All partner benefits will go into effect once the balance is paid in full.
- All 2024-2025 Community Partner contributions must be fulfilled within the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Contributions made to Highlands College outside of the current Community Partners program term and fiscal year cannot be reallocated.

Highlands College is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization. All Community Partnerships are tax-deductible, and receipts are available upon request. Please consult a tax advisor to determine your tax deduction.