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• Participants must be at least 18 years of age.
Jesse D. Hayes IV, Technical Lead Engineer for The Boeing Company, and a 1985 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy. As an instructor navigator, Hayes logged over 3,300 flying hours in C-130E/H and HC-130P aircraft including 150 in combat during the Gulf War. After his military service, Hayes instructed International Baccalaureate Physics. He then started his engineering career as a manufacturing manager for John Deere Dubuque Works and later became a Test Director for Lockheed Martin. Educated in Astronautical Engineering, Hayes has led design, test and analysis projects for the Space Shuttle, International Space Station and Constellation Programs at the NASA Johnson Space Center. In addition, Hayes led the airplane safety engineering of the KC-46A Pegasus, 777X, 787-10 and 737-10. Further, Hayes served as the US Navy P-8A Program Mission Assurance Leader, and the US Air Force VC-25B Product Integrity & Safety Focal. With a MA in Human Resources Development, Hayes is currently leading the Boeing Safety Engineering College.
Hayes earned a 2020 certificate in Global Technical Leadership from University of Washington, is a 2017 BEYA Modern Technology Leader award winner, a 2009 BDS Spirit of Cook award winner and decorated by the US and foreign governments 27 times. Jesse D. Hayes IV is a proud father and grandfather.
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* 1. What is your full name? (First/Last name)

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* 2. What is your personal (non-work) email?

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* 3. What is your 5-digit zipcode?

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* 4. It will be helpful to the instructor to know the following. I am currently:

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* 5. The company I currently work for is:

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* 6. My current Job Title is:

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* 7. How did you hear about this class?

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* 8. Which social media platforms do you prefer/use the most?

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* 9. Demographic Information: The SPEEA ACE program mission is "to increase diversity and equity in professional and technical careers in the aerospace workforce with preferences to Veterans, active duty military spouses, and students from underserved communities."

SPEEA ACE is state funded. Your responses to demographic information are voluntary and is requested by the granting agency. SPEEA ACE may report aggregate findings about the demographics on its website or in other public spaces.