Authorised by Sam Birrell, The Nationals, Shepparton.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate (in order of priority) the four issues that concern you the most:

  1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority 4th Priority
The amount of tax you pay
Reducing cost-of-living pressures
The viability of aged care services
Access and affordability of healthcare
Ability to access quality education
The state of your roads
Ability to get a good job
Cost of energy bills
Tackling climate change
Keeping manufacturing in Australia
Affordable housing to buy or rent
Viability of local businesses

Question Title

* 2. If you could raise one issue in the Federal Parliament, what would it be?

Question Title

* 3. If you could fix one problem in your local area, what would it be?

Question Title

* 4. Please select one of the following options:

  National Labor Greens Independent/Other
I ALWAYS support the following party
OR: I USUALLY support the following party

Question Title

* 5. Please complete the following details so that I can keep you informed: