Exit this survey Talent Management Technology Study 2019 10% of survey complete. To develop talent effectively to meet the ever-changing needs of business, the many talent processes must be integrated and work together. Effective talent development cannot happen without enabling technology that meets an organization's specific needs.In our 2019 Talent Technology Study, Brandon Hall Group is looking to understand your perspective: The modules, features and functions you find most essential. Your satisfaction with the current functionality. Which modules or functions you intend to purchase in the future. Which solution provider competencies are essential to you. We value your opinion and invite you to participate. This survey will take 10-12 minutes to complete. To show our appreciation for your time, those who complete the survey and provide their email will:-- Receive a summary report of the survey results once the study is complete. Allow about 10 weeks.-- Get download access to Brandon Hall Group’s research brief, Six Talent Concerns that Need Your Attention.Your survey responses will remain completely confidential and your name will not be given to any external parties. Your information will only be used for aggregate research purposes and to deliver your research summary results and complimentary research paper. If you give permission, you also may be contacted by an analyst to request a qualitative research interview about the survey topic. Thank you in advance for your help with this important research. Sincerely,Claude WerderVice President and Principal HCM AnalystBrandon Hall Group Continue