Frontline Network Annual Conference 2023 - feedback form

Tell us your thoughts

Thank you for attending our Annual Conference on 29 June. We'd really appreciate it if you could take a couple of mins to complete this feedback form about the event you attended. This supports our learning on what was helpful and how we can improve in the future. Thank you!

Please fill out the form once, when you have attended your last session at the conference. If you need to come back to this form, the link is:

The results will be anonymous, you can view our privacy notice here
1.Have you attended a Frontline Network event before? Please select all that apply:(Required.)
2.How would you rate this event?(Required.)
3.How did you feel after attending the event?
4.Which sessions did you attend? Please tick as many as apply:(Required.)
5.Which session was the most useful? Please select one session:(Required.)
6.Why was it the most useful?
7.How far do you agree or disagree with the following statements?(Required.)
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Not sure
I learnt something new from this event
The content of this event is relevant to my work
I am able to put what I have learnt from the event into practice
I was able to access the sessions without difficulties
8.Any comments about any of your responses to Q7 above?
9.How likely are you to engage in the following activities after today's conference?(Required.)
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Somewhat likely
Very likely
Not sure
Attend future Frontline Network events
Recommend the Frontline Network to a colleague
Seek additional training on a topic covered at the conference
Follow up with a new contact from the event
Make a referral to an organisation you learnt about today
Raise a new idea with your Team/Manager
Apply to the Training Fund
10.What themes and topics would you like to see at future events?(Required.)
11.In future, would you prefer to attend this conference online or in person?(Required.)
12.Any final comments about the event?
Thank you for your feedback! Please press the 'submit' button to send us your response.

We’ll be sharing resources from the conference shortly -  subscribe to our mailing list to hear updates.
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