Genesis Research Services are looking for volunteers for a new study of Osteoarthritis of the knee. 
Knee osteoarthritis is characterised by bone changes, progressive loss of cartilage, joint space narrowing, and even total joint failure. It is manifested by knee pain, physical disability and reduced quality of life. Current treatments include oral medications, topical creams and gels, and injections.
We are looking for people living with knee osteoarthritis to join our new clinical trial. The trial is testing a foaming topical treatment to see if it improves knee pain. Participation in the study lasts for approximately 5 weeks. All study-related medical care is provided at no cost to you, and you will be reimbursed for your expenses related to your participation in the study. 
Please complete the questions below to find out if you may be eligible for this study. If you are eligible, we will contact you via phone and give you the full study information. If you have any questions, please call us on (02) 4985 1860. 

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* 1. Please enter your date of birth

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* 2. Have you been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in the knee for at least 3 months?

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* 3. What is your average knee pain on a scale of 0-4:

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* 4. Are you allergic to/get a skin irritation from topical anti-inflammatories (e.g. Voltaren gel)?

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* 5. Do you have pain in any of your other joints (e.g. feet, hips, shoulders or spine) that is more severe than the osteoarthritis diagnosed in your knee?

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* 6. Have you had any of the following:

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* 7. Do you currently smoke or use nicotine-containing products?

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* 8. Do you currently take anti-inflammatory medication for your knee pain such as Nurofen (Ibuprofen), Mobic (Meloxicam), Voltaren (Diclofenac) etc?

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* 9. Do you take any of the following medications? 

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* 10. Do you currently use any cannabis, THC or CBD containing products?

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* 11. Are you currently pregnant, breastfeeding or planning a pregnancy?

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* 12. If you know your approximate height & weight, please enter below: 

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* 13. Please add your details so we can contact you about the study: 

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* 14. Please add your approximate travel time from your home to Broadmeadow NSW:

By completing this form you agree to be added to the Genesis Research Services database. Your privacy is important to us and your information will not be passed on to any third parties.