Expresso Kids Monthly STEM Box of Books Giveaway To Nominate a Deserving Family - Please complete 4 Questions... To qualify for this giveaway, the winner must be an U.S. Citizen and having a mailing address in the U.S. OK Question Title * 1. Nominator's Information Name of Nominator Email Address Phone Number Company, School or Organization (Optional) Facebook ID (Optional) Instagram ID (Optional) OK Question Title * 2. Nominee's Information Name of Nominee Email Address Address (including Apt/Unit) City State Zip Facebook ID (Optional) Instagram ID (Optional) OK Question Title * 3. Pick Which Prize Category Applies Infant, Toddler, Pre K, Kindergarten or 1st Grade Elementary 2nd - 5th Grade Middle School - 6th - 8th Grade High School Parent, Educators, Teachers or Librarian Group or Program (20 participants or less) OK Question Title * 4. Reason for Nomination - Describe Why the Nominee deserves a bundle or how they will benefit. If there is more than one child being nominated please for each child include sex, their ages and T-shirt Size. OK Question Title * 5. Upload a picture of the recipient(s) and permission to share the picture if your submission is selected as the winner. Must be JPG or JPEG Format. PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Must be JPG or JPEG Format. OK DONE