Invitation and Participant Information

You are invited to participate in a research study on:  STIGMA OF EPILEPSY: A GLOBAL SURVEY

The study is being conducted by Mohmad Farooq Shaikh from the School of Dentistry and Medical Sciences at Charles Sturt University.

Mohmad Farooq Shaikh, PhD
Associate Professor in Pharmacy
Discipline of Pharmacy
School of Dentistry and Medical Sciences
Faculty of Science and Health
Charles Sturt University

Charles Sturt University is an Australian University, TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018. Charles Sturt University CRICOS Provider: 00005F
What is the purpose of this study?
This research project wants to find out how much people know about epilepsy and how they see those who have it. This includes looking at stereotypes, what kind of jobs and roles people with epilepsy are expected to have, cultural beliefs, personal fears, and whether people avoid those with epilepsy in societies around the world.

Previous research on this topic mainly looked at stigma in one specific country, and they didn't pay much attention to the cultural aspects of how people with epilepsy are stigmatized worldwide. So, this project aims to understand why people with epilepsy are stigmatized in different societies and how it's influenced by individual and cultural factors.

Our team hopes that by figuring out what people know about epilepsy, we can help improve the lives of those who have it. In other words, we want to raise awareness and educate people about epilepsy, which is often unfairly stigmatized. Our ultimate goal is to reduce discrimination against people with epilepsy in societies all over the world.

Why have I been invited to participate in this study?
You are an individual who:
a.     Is aged 18 or older
b.     Is able to provide informed consent
c.     Does not have impaired judgment

What does this study involve?
The study involves this online survey that will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The responses provided will be kept confidential, and participants are not required to provide any personal information to access or submit the survey. The survey is designed to collect feedback, thoughts, and personal knowledge in relation to the research topic, in a manner where the participant remains anonymous throughout the survey.

Are there risks and benefits to me in taking part in this study?
A potential risk associated with this research project is the inconvenience to the participants and potential distress as some survey questions may be confronting.

The benefit of this study is to acknowledge stigma in society and make action plans to reduce it, mainly in future generations.  This study will provide knowledge as a means to raise awareness of and provide education about epilepsy as a commonly stigmatized disease, with the overall aim to reduce the level of discrimination against the marginalized community of affected individuals in a global society.

How is this study being paid for?
The research project is funded by the Faculty of Science and Health (FOSH) New Staff Development Scheme of Charles Sturt University.

Will taking part in this study (or travelling to) cost me anything, and will I be paid?
Participation in this research will not incur any cost to the participants. There will be no reimbursement provided for participation in the research and it is completely voluntary.
What if I don't want to take part in this study?
Participation in this research is entirely your choice. Whether or not you decide to participate, is your decision and will not disadvantage you. Only those who give their informed consent will be included in the project.

What if I participate and want to withdraw later?
If you decide that during this survey, you no longer wish to participate, you may withdraw by closing the browser, however your responses to that point will have been recorded. Due to the survey being completed anonymously it will not be possible to identify your responses to remove them. 

How will my confidentiality be protected?
To uphold confidentiality and ensure the anonymity of respondents, the questionnaire will not include any inquiries pertaining to personal data. By abstaining from soliciting personal information, the study aims to safeguard the privacy of participants. The administration of the questionnaire will be facilitated through the Spatial Data Analysis Network (SPAN) at Charles Sturt University using SurveyMonkey, which provides a secure and reliable platform for data collection. This approach enhances data protection and minimizes the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information. Through the utilization of an anonymous questionnaire and the implementation of SurveyMonkey's Privacy Policy and Security Statement, the study strives to maintain the confidentiality of participants' responses. The anonymous data may be used for any projects of similar kind of interest in the future.

What will happen to the information that I give you? 
The data collected will be kept securely on the devices of the researchers. Only the researchers and the survey administrator will have access to this information. At the end of the survey, the collected information will be with researchers, who will hold the information for up to five years. This data may be used for future projects related to the topic. After the information is collected, you won’t be able to access the results of the study.

What should I do if I want to discuss this study further before deciding?
If you would like further information, please contact Associate Professor Mohmad Farooq Shaikh via email at or by phone on +61 2 6365 7534 (Mon-Fri 9am to 1pm AEDT)

Who should I contact if I have concerns about the conduct of this study?
Charles Sturt University’s Human Research Ethics Committee has approved this project [Protocol number: H23765]. If you have any complaints or reservations about the ethical conduct of this project, you may contact the Committee through the Research Integrity Unit via the following contact details:
     The Presiding Officer
     Human Research Ethics Committee
     Research Integrity Unit
     Locked Bag 588
     Wagga Wagga NSW 2678
     Phone: (02) 6933 4213

Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated thoroughly, and you will be informed of the outcome.

Thank you for considering this invitation to participate in the study.