Imaging facilities inside or outside of Euro-BioImaging are continuously invited to showcase new imaging technologies, to demonstrate that a new technology could potentially be offered as a Euro-BioImaging technology. Any imaging facility is free to conduct showcasing, and the activity is not coordinated by Euro-BioImaging. However, Euro-BioImaging is asking the facilities to report the showcasing to us, as the first step in possibly including the technology in the Euro-BioImaging portfolio. Ongoing and recently completed showcases are listed here.
As an important part of the demonstration of the usefulness of a new imaging technology, potential users are invited to express their interest to use the technology if it becomes available in Euro-BioImaging. If you are a potential user of a new imaging technology, please express your interest with this form.

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Affiliation and address

Question Title

* Email

Question Title

* New imaging technology

Question Title

* If the above imaging technology will become available in Euro-BioImaging, I am interested in applying to use it, because...
(please explain briefly, why you need access to this imaging technology in Euro-BioImaging and why this access would be beneficial for your research, max 1500 characters.):

Question Title

* Optional: If you are filling in this form in conjunction with a specific showcasing of the new technology, please specify the imaging facility in question, and possible other relevant details:

Question Title

* Optional: additional information, such as your brief CV and/or a short description of your scientific project (project title, field of science, scientific background, description of work proposed to be conducted at a Euro-BioImaging Node offering this new technology in the future, expected results, importance of the project for your overall research. Max. 5000 characters)